
Showing posts from February, 2024

2nd Lent: Turning points in our story with God.

Any good story, whether a novel or movie, has twists in it. Twists that change the trajectory of the plot, in which the characters grasp themselves or reality in a different way. They are also entertaining. Reading a book with a plot that we can figure out in the first chapter is boring. Think of movies like “Knives Out” which keeps us guessing all the way through. Relationships too have twists, or turning points. Consider your spouse and your courtship. Was there a certain point when you knew, this was the one, and the relationship changed after that? Was there an event, something different that seemingly changed your idea of him or her? Many religious will have similar experiences. There will be a point, hopefully, when the formation comes to a point and we grasp that we are called to this life, or not. For many seminarians it happens during a pastoral year, and after engaging in ministry, we get it.  What happens? We see the person or the experience in a new way. We see an act o...

1st Lent: A God of new opportunities and 2nd Chances

Second opportunities; a chance to restart, a chance to reimagine, a chance to show love, a chance to grow. How many times have we been given a second chance; whether in work, or with friends, or more serious relationships? How many times have our parents given us another chance? And it helped us to see and make changes and grow. And conversely, how many times have we given others another opportunity, our children, an employee, a friend…and it paid off. That person made changes and became a strong child for it, a better employee, a closer friend? We are heading to the Easter Celebrations. We remember and we give thanks for God’s incredible love, as revealed in Jesus Christ. We remember and give thanks that despite what humanity did to the Son of God, the Father returned the Son to us alive and glorified. Jesus’ resurrection signifies that God has no interest in punishing us; God offers us second, a third, an infinite amount of opportunities to change, and grow. God is love. God is harmo...

6th Sunday Jesus heals

One of the most difficult aspects of life to deal with is suffering and why bad things happen; and why does God permit these bad things. Why is a child sick, or why does one take a gun and shoot others? Why do accidents happen? Why must my elderly parents have dementia? Why is my heart broken? We read in Scripture Jesus doing these amazing miracles for some; but then the thought can come “why can’t Jesus do one now?” We can think God does not answer us; God is silent. It can seem that way. Yet, what do we have faith in? Jesus performs a miracle in our gospel. Jesus heals this man with leprosy or some skin ailment which would have isolated him from the community. He then tells him to keep quiet about what happened, to not share this amazing act. The reason becomes apparent; people begin to perceive him as a miracle maker, only as a miracle maker. The crowd followed him wanting only the miracle. Jesus wants them to understand and know him on a deeper level. Jesus will move his disciples...