Trinity Sunday - God with us.
Some 11 years ago I took a six week retreat with the Camoldolese Monks at Big Sur. Part of my spiritual exercise was a daily walk in which I asked either the Father, Son or Holy Spirit to walk with me. My sense most often, and it surprised me, it was the Father who came; sometimes the Holy Spirit; the Son almost never. I would engage the Father, have conversations; and one time I had the impression the Father was laughing at me (for good reason). I really think my understanding of God was changed through those experiences. Throughout Religious Education as a kid and teen, we are taught of God. This is a good thing, because it provides a foundation. Seminary also teaches seminarians of God, theology. We take lots of classes and most seminaries will include what is called the Summa by St. Thomas Aquinas. A TOME of Thomas’ in which he logically and systematically explains God and the Catholic Faith. It is a good thing. Of course there are many more theologians that we studied, and their...