Epiphany - The Life of Divine Wisdom for all the World

Why? Many kids go through that phase in which they ask WHY? Why is the sky blue? Why do I need to take a bath? Why do dogs and cats not get along? Why is there night and day? And the kids can persist with the “whys” trying to grasp something. I think it is part of our humanity; to ask Why; we want to know and grasp our world and why things are the way they are. It is something that needs to be supported and affirmed, never stopped. It is part of critical thinking.

When I was in Vocations the poor seminarians who drove with me had to endure my interrogations. I would ask them about what they learned and I pushed them to explain the “Why” of “What” they learned.

We adults can get lazy in our critical thinking, not using our thought process, not using critical thinking. Look at all the crazy conspiracy theories out there! Look at how much people react to others, which anger and hate? So little understanding. We just take an easy route, and this is what we get.

Yet, when our world, our lives get upset, the “Why” comes back: Why did someone I love deeply die?; Why do I feel alone?; Why am I angry all the time?; Why does this not make sense anymore? Why is God doing this to me?. “Why me?

Whether we are aware of it or not, we all have a philosophy, a moral compass that guides our choices and actions, a way to make sense of the world. To understand that philosophy or compass, we need to examine our lives, consider and contemplate our choices; how we treat others and let others treat us. When our focus is on money, sports, things, about our status in the eyes of others… kind of a materialistic philosophy, a worldly and egotistical focus. When our focus is always being correct or in control and having it our way, regardless of the needs, wants and wishes of others…definitely a philosophy of entitlement, selfishness, chauvinism. And I would guess our lives would seem unfulfilled, more lonely, more anxious, filled with anger.

And if we show true concern for those in need, show kindness, willing to listen without judgment…? 

Go to the end of Matthew’s Gospel. Jesus has been raised from the dead and now he has summoned his disciples and gives them what we call the Great commission: Go and Spread the Good News to ALL Nations. 
Go to the first book of Sacred Scripture, Genesis; read about creation and the harmony with which God created all, including humanity. A serpent also is present within that harmony. Now understand that Serpent in the ancient times was not evil per se, but represented wisdom; a worldly wisdom. So Humanity had a choice of which to make a priority in their philosophy, their moral compass: the wisdom of God or the wisdom of the world.

Now we come to our Gospel today from Matthew. The Magi come to the Holy Family, to the Christ child. The Magi are Gentiles, non-Jews; they represent the other nations, and importantly they are also wisdom figures. They come to the newborn and do this new “king” homage. In the presence of the divine, in the presence of God, they bow and submit. Worldly wisdom submitting to the Divine Wisdom. They understand the Why.

Jesus will fully reveal the Wisdom, the eternal Wisdom of God. It will be the wisdom of humility, of service, of giving of self, of mercy and kindness, healing and forgiving; it will be the wisdom of divine love. Jesus will live out that wisdom even unto the Cross to show us how it brings to us and to the world the fullness of Life! Worldly wisdom will try to assert itself again. It will be Herod seeking to protect his so-called status and power and therefore attempting to murder the Christ child. It will be the Religious Leaders also fearful of the loss of their own power, the loss of being correct who will lash out at Jesus, bringing him to the Cross. It will be Pilate, the Pagan Roman, also fearful of the conflict, of the Truth, who will order Jesus to die.
And yet, Jesus prevails. God raises Jesus. Jesus invites, commissions those disciples to live out that same divine wisdom, to experience the fullness of life for themselves, and to share this with the world.

Jesus invites all to come back in harmony with God and with the world; to make the Divine Wisdom our core; to become our “Why” to all that we do. Jesus restores the natural harmony of creation, in which the divine Wisdom of God takes precedence over worldly wisdom. Jesus shows us that Divine Wisdom is the Why of all.

Is it our why?

We will all wrestle with this our entire lives; if not daily.
We will be hurt by someone we love: Jesus says forgive, the world says take vengeance. What will we choose?
We will be angry because we want the world our way: Jesus says be humble, the world says grumble and strike out. How will be act?
We will be scared that there is not enough for ourselves: Jesus says give, while the world says hoard and store. What will we do?
We will grieve loss: Jesus says God remains with us, providing hope while a world says we deserved it, we must be punished. What will we believe?

Each day we ask for our daily bread, that wisdom that God provides freely; in sacrament, in scripture, in our prayers and meditations.
Each day God remains present to us, inviting us to accept the gift God provides for us; more precious than any thing; the grace to live life eternally now and fully, now.

Why? Because God is love.

It will not remove the pain, the hurt, the fear...but it will give to us life amongst it all. It will helps to place our lives in context and experience a deeper meaning. God will raise us too.


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